let me share with you when burned into my mind as a poignant testimony to the generosity. My son, John, and I, had a moment in the city of Anderson, in 2011. In the course of service to a small church in the city is located on top of the Andes, we met street children who collect garbage or something valuable they could find in the streets, in order to collect a handful of coins.
One would think that money can erode the child will diligently maintained and used for food or clothing. But the children were happy to tithe what they have to give to the missionaries. It is a demonstration of the poorest provision to the poor to honor and expand the work of the Lord. Someday I hope to learn how God bless them!
Psalms 41: 1-3-Happy is the one who cares for the poor; The Lord will save him in the day of trouble. The Lord will guard him and preserve him; he will be blessed in the country. You will not give him the desire of his enemies. The Lord will sustain him on his bed; You would heal him on the bed where he lies.
The above passage gives us six benefits to help the poor.
Helping the poor brings happiness to the giver.
Proverbs 14:21 further supports this. “The one who despises his neighbor sins, but whoever shows kindness to the poor will be happy.”
Helping the poor brings God’s hands rescue in “day of trouble.
” This is the opposite of conventional wisdom which suggests that we should preserve everything that we get so that when trouble comes we can buy our way out or at least have the means to survive.
God help the poor results in preserving the giver.
The Hebrew word shamarmeans to preserve, maintain, watching. Shamar is also applied by God to those who are humble (Psalm 138 :. 6.7) (. Pro 19:16). And obedient to his word [1]

Helping the poor was a blessing in which the giver of life.
This blessing comes from the Hebrew word asharand bring the idea of progress. [2] To better understand this we can learn from Moses to teach the people of Israel in Deuteronomy 15:10, “Give him, and did not have a stingy heart when you give, and because of this the LORD your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you do. “
Helping poor means for giving protection against the bad intentions of his enemies.
Seven of the thirteen verses in this psalm by David spoke with treason or mal intent by its enemies. But he was convinced that by taking care of the poor, Allah will protect him.
Helping the poor brings healing from disease.
We see this demonstrated in 2 Kings 4 in which a wealthy Shunammite woman saw the prophet Elijah and gave him needs a room. Because of his generosity, God gives the barren woman a child and then when the child died from some kind of head suffering, God restored him back to life!
Do you help the poor around you? There are many benefits in helping the poor, we just mentioned few. If you have not been doing it before, this is the right time to start as to get many gift from God
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What’s so ever will do, we are doing it for God, Jesus Christ say’s if you bless one of this people, you have done it for me.
Thanks for this